Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Starting Fresh

I've decided to start this blog after years at livejournal because I don't like the whiney, twee image livejournal has earned for itself since I started mine in 2002.  I'd like to see how my writing is really viewed when I don't know the readers.

I've noticed the best blogs seem to have a purpose, whether it's reviewing a certain type of product or commenting on a certain type of news or simply slice-of-life comedy.  I don't know if I have enough to say on any one subject to make a choice like that and stick to it.  I'm a watch collector, but I'm not rich enough to really have anything interesting.  I'm a foreigner living in Japan but the absolute last thing the Internet needs is another Japan blog.  I love comedy and always thought I'd give standup a try at least once and have kept a notebook of bits I've written for a few years but I suspect they'd all fit on a single-spaced page so I can't really make this a comedy blog.

I'm sure at first all of these things will appear in my blog, but for now I'll simply say hello to the absolutely nobody who is reading this and say that regardless of whether I can keep this up whatever I do write here will be a post by Slippy, who isn't a whiney livejournaler.